I'm in my 22 week of pregnancy. That's more than halfway. We had our first ultrasound last week and as soon as the tech put the wand to my belly the money shot came up. She didn't even have to tell me the gender, it was so obvious, I said it myself. I was in disbelief. This whole time I've had nothing but feelings of having a boy. So much for my intuition. I hope Josh didn't get his hopes up too much, I wouldn't even let him say it might be a girl, that's how positive I was. Well, she's a girl, and as much as I used to say I didn't want boys ever and would sell them on the black market, I was really looking forward to it being a boy. It's so bizarre. I don't even know when I started feeling that way or why. Maybe I was just preparing myself in case I was having a boy. And I'll be excited if I have one in the future, but right now I'm really looking forward to tutus and teaparties and hairbows.
The nesting has commenced. Probably since we know the gender now, and I feel like I can start preparing more and getting everything in it's place. It's mostly frustrating though, because even though I have four long months ahead of me, everything feels like it needs to be finished now. Yesterday, I decided to try to get some stuff done in the baby's room, mostly cleaning all my craft stuff out and the rest of the junk that's made its way into there. I cleaned out three drawers, moved the contents into a storage crate and carried it down into the closet that I'm sure will be too small for all of my crafts. Then, I decided to try to get these two questionable spots off the blinds that have been there since we've bought the place. They never bothered me before only because the room is hardly ever used. So I go back up, armed with some cleaner and paper towel and I'm wiping and I'm wiping and it doesn't look like either spot is coming off, but it's turning the towel brown. Gross. I don't want to know. I got frustrated and gave up. There are bigger things that need to be tackled, like putting a knob on the door, and taking the doors off the closet. But I can't do those things by myself, so I made a list for Josh for when he comes back from Canada. Today I vacuumed, and since things can never be too clean right now, I decided to clean the vacuum. How very Danny Tanner of me. I haven't had this vacuum very long, but so far I've had nothing but love for it. It's the Hoover Windtunnel upright bagless vacuum and it's so lightweight and sucks so good. I thought the washable hepafilter was a really great feature until today. I couldn't get the damn thing out to rinse it. There are pictures and simple directions, and I still couldn't do it. I was pretty disappointed in myself.
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